My Journey from Powerless to Empowered ….. Come Along for the Ride!


Have you ever felt like your life is out of control? When no matter what you do, you can't seem to be who you want to be? 

Dr. Brené Brown, a renowned researcher, shares that “one of the single worst human experiences is powerlessness.” Ascendant Tracker is a tool to help prevent and overcome the experience of powerlessness through self-awareness and empowerment.

My Story

During a difficult year in my life, I felt overwhelmed with grief, stress, anxiety, and depression. After a long period of struggling, I came to a realization -- "I am a person."


That simple statement of truth gave me permission to experience emotion because I am human. And humans feel. 

Simultaneously, that statement returned to me my ability to choose. Where before I felt trapped, now I see that my circumstances and the people around me do NOT have control over the actions I choose to take. 

Allowing myself to feel and then acknowledging my difficult experiences and emotions started my process of growth and healing. I felt empowered. I felt supported. I felt free. I felt connected to humanity and the shared difficulties of being a person. 

Recognizing and naming my mental health symptoms empowers me to make decisions. I can choose to go to therapy. I can choose to do things each day to take care of my mental health. I can choose how I interact with others and what I spend my time doing. Ascendant Tracker reminds me of my capacity to choose. 

Ascendant Tracker empowers me to change. 


Empowered to Change: How Ascendant Tracker Can Help

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. defined power as “the ability to achieve purpose and to effect change.”

Gaining more knowledge and awareness of yourself will give you a clear vision to know what you want to change, which is the first step to make that change happen. That is empowerment!


By using the Ascendant Tracker App, you will be able to see patterns and name symptoms. For example, Ascendant Tracker invites you to name the physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral symptoms that you experience each day through the journal feature (which has been my favorite part of using the Ascendant Tracker App so far!)

Each night, as I reflect upon my day, I am able to name my experience. I say today, I had headaches. Today I had difficulty concentrating. Today, I felt discouraged.

Recognizing that and telling myself or telling a mental health provider through the app, not only leaves a record to help me remember, but also to overcome in the future. Ascendant Tracker enables me to feel power in the moment. Ascendant Tracker helps me to say, "I know today was hard. I know that I am experiencing anxiety."

When I feel power in that moment, I know I can do something about it. I can seek help. I can take action. Although healing is a process, I feel empowered to be in the process.

Naming my symptoms and recognizing the difficult emotions I am experiencing gives me the awareness and knowledge to make a choice. I can choose coping strategies and make changes in my life that lead to greater health and well-being. 

I believe Ascendant Tracker has the potential to bring power to you. Power to change - the way you want to change. Try using Ascendant Tracker today! Let me know how your experiences help you to feel power and control. 

Written By: Katie Wade, Ascendant Tracker Team

Check out Abby’s story and how Ascendant Tracker helped her feel empowered in her mental health journey.


Brown, B. (2018). Dare to lead. Vermilion.