Mental Health Tracking App


Customer testimonial

“This app has made it 10x easier to track my mental health. As I consistently use it, I feel better able to address certain problems and take action to get the help I need.”

- Callie

Easily Track Your Mental Health

Track your mental health at the press of a button. We help you visualize your mental health patterns so that you can better understand when, where, and why your mental health symptoms occur when they do.

a Data Driven Approach to Understanding Your Mental Health

Ascendant Tracker is a simple way to track your mental health to better understand your patterns a triggers. Ascendant Tracker gives you the ability to track your symptoms at the press of a button. Our software then helps you visualize your patterns to better understand the times of day, days of the week, and locations you experience most often. The mobile app also includes mental health assessments and a simple journaling feature to track progress and record thoughts and experiences.

Tracking App for Therapy

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Ascendant Tracker is used as a tool to help patients and therapists be on the same page and track progress throughout a patient’s therapy experience. Your therapist can use Ascendant to measure your progress, assign tasks in-between sessions, and help you experience major breakthroughs in therapy.