A Thank You to My Therapist

Dear Therapist,

Thank you. 

Without you, I wouldn’t have been able to transform my doubts into dreams. I’d be stuck in a pit with my anxious thoughts, unable to climb out by myself. Thank you. 

Without you I wouldn’t have had the courage to make my needs known in relationships. I’d still be afraid of inconveniencing others, opting to remain silent and let others' needs supersede my own. Thank you.

Without you I wouldn’t have been able to let go of my need for perfectionism. I’d still be looking for external validation that I’m ‘doing it right.’ Thank you.

Without you I wouldn’t have learned to change the way I speak to myself, letting go of harsh judgements and viewing myself in a positive light. I’d still be constantly comparing myself to others, nitpicking every aspect of my life. Thank you. 

Without you I wouldn’t understand that it’s ok to not be ok. I’d still be subscribing to the idea that if I’m not always happy there’s something wrong with me. 

Without you I wouldn’t be on my way to becoming the best version of myself, the person I’m proud to look back at in the mirror each morning. So thank you. 


A Client Whose Life You Made Better